Major currencies are not up to much for now as the dollar keeps steadier so far on the day. The key areas to watch for markets remain the same as last week, as traders are grappling with the aftermath of key central bank decisions. Looking to the sessions ahead, the bond market and overall risk mood remain two factors to pay attention to.
But also, do be wary about month-end and quarter-end flows that could make things messier in the latter stages this week.
For now though, we might be off to a quieter and slower start to proceedings at least. That comes as there isn’t much to work with on the data docket today. And also just be wary that this week will be a holiday-shortened one for some key markets. Of note, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Europe in general will be off on Friday.
0900 GMT – SNB total sight deposits w.e. 22 March
1100 GMT – UK March CBI retailing reported sales
That’s all for the session ahead. I wish you all the best of days to come and good luck with your trading! Stay safe out there.